How To Stop Regret and Resentment

I have dealt and dwelt in my resentments and regrets for years not being able to let go of them.

Now, I am much happier to live without them.

In this article, I am going to teach 3 simple steps that helped me remove resent and regret from my life.


1. Write down clearly what you resent or regret

If you have regrets and resentments in your life, you must take the steps to shed light on them.

Write down in detail what regrets and resentments you have. 

Writing them down will help you stop the mental conflict that is caused by your regrets and resentment.

Do not be afraid to know what they are. Their power lies in you not knowing them.

Be ferocious and fearless when you write them.

2. List everything you learn from your failures, setbacks and disappointments

Now, list out everything you believe you failed at or you could have done better.

Write down as many as you can.

I usually have 10-20 for each.

Doing this will help change your perceptions about your resentment and regrets and help you move on from them.

Learning to learn from your failures is skill. A skill when mastered that delivers much rewards.

Once you start learning from them, you will realize your failures and setbacks are some of your most blessed gifts.

3. Make a commitment to take responsibility and love yourself

Lastly, take complete responsibility to lack corrective actions from your part.

We regret and resent because we know it is our responsibility take action in the right direction but did not. Taking responsibility means we take the corrective action now.

Not to blame and find ourself guilty. Both are meaningless acts.

Decide love yourself no matter how many times you fail or experience setbacks.

All human beings go through periods of failure and setbacks until they decide to learn from them.

Our purpose is to make a commitment to take responsibility and love ourselves and others, as we learn to overcome human experience.

Become a ferocious learner and be committed to overcome all challenges.

And, help others do the same.


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