How To Set Clear Goals and Accomplish Them

“It doesn't matter where you are coming from.

All that matters is where you are going.”

― Brian Tracy

Why goals are important?

Goals are the ultimate skill that you need to develop to manifest things into reality.

Goals help you direct your energy and awareness to things you desire, and away from the things undesirable.

What you think about and dwell within your mind all the time is what becomes real.

Goals help you convert your mind from a state of negative imagination (worry and fear) to a state of positive imagination (goals and aspirations).

If you are not setting goals for yourself, you live your life accomplishing goals for those who have set goals for themselves.

When you set goals, you bring forces beyond your control and ability to accomplish your goals.

Take responsibility for your life by setting goals. Don’t leave it up to others to govern your life.

When goals are written, you are more likely to achieve them.

Make sure to write them down in the present tense.

Here are steps to help you set goals:

1. Write down 100 ten-year goals

Get a notebook and write down the 100 most desirable goals that you would love to accomplish in the next 10 years.

You don’t have to write all 100 right away.

Allow them to come to you naturally.

This exercise will help your mind convert from dwelling on past events and other people to imagining positive events for your future.

What you imagine is what becomes real. This is the Law of Attraction.

Go through articles, books, or videos to get ideas. You don’t need to rush this process.

Areas you can think about creating the goals:

  • Spirituality

  • Career and Work

  • Finances

  • Health

  • Family and Relationships

  • Material resources

Dream big enough to get excited.

100 ten-year goals examples:

  • I attain complete peace of mind

  • I master the skill of writing and write 100 books

  • I create & publish 10,000 highly-valuable resources

  • I become one of the Top 1% of Consultants in the World.

  • I earn and receive $300,000/per month

  • I develop a highly durable and strong body

  • I earn 1 million LinkedIn followers

2. Prioritize 10 one-year goals

Once you have completed 10 goals from the previous step, it's time to create your highest-priority one-year goals.

Organize 10 goals that you would like to accomplish in the next 365 days based on the list you created.

Select the goals that would have the largest impact on your 10-year goals.

10 one-year goals examples:

  • I read 6 books on mind training

  • I write 24 highly useful articles and a book to the master skill of writing

  • I become one of the Top 30% of Project Managers in the World.

  • I earn and receive $10,000/per month

  • I weigh 180 lbs

  • I earn 30,000 LinkedIn followers

  • I own a home I love to live in

3. Create A 90-Day Action Plan for 2-3 goals

Once you completed your goals. Plan your life 90 days at a time.

Prioritize the most important 2-3 goals you would love to accomplish in the next 90 days.

Ask yourself: "What are 2-3 goals that could have the largest impact in your life if accomplished?"

List out all the activities you need to accomplish your 2-3 goals.

Be flexible with your plans and actions.

The key is to identify key activities and take one step at a time, ferociously.

3 Examples of 90-Day Goals

  • I attain the role of Project Manager with a salary of $80,000 by March 31, 2022.

  • I make new friends with 10 people by March 31, 2022.

  • I sell $100,000 worth of products and services to new customers by March 31, 2022.

Example 1 of the 90-Day Action Plan

Goal: I attain a role as a Project Manager that pays $80,000 by March 31, 2022.


  • Purchase and complete all 24 lessons in the Project Management Course.

  • Update my resume and LinkedIn to apply for Project Manager and Program Manager Roles.

  • Reach out to 15 project managers requesting an informational interview.

  • Apply to 50 roles.

Example 2 of the 90-Day Action Plan

Goal: I make 10 new friends in Project Management by March 31, 2022.


  • Attend 4 in-person events based on my current interests.

  • Comment 36 times on other Posts on LinkedIn.

  • Reach out to 12 people to attain Informational interviews to learn about their roles

Example 3 of the 90-Day Action Plan

Goal: I sell $100,000 worth of products and services to customers by March 31, 2022.


  • Prospect and reach out to 250 new leads.

  • Give 50 sales presentations.

  • Follow up with each client who has not reached back 6 times.

4. Identify your obstacles

Next, identify all obstacles that could be one your way.

Brainstorm all possible obstacles and list all activities you can take to resolve each obstacle.

Make a list of all possible future obstacles you may experience (risks).

Make a list of current obstacles you are solving (issues).

5. Gather your resources

The next step is to identify and list out all resources that can help you get closer to achieving your goals.

Brainstorm everything you need to accomplish your goals.

Having all the resources you need in one place helps you stay focused and access them quickly when you need them.

These could be:

  • Articles

  • Books

  • Courses

  • Blueprints and templates

  • Programs

  • Funds

  • Professionals

6. Gather your people

List out all possible people who can help achieve your goals.

Identify at least a partner who can keep you accountable for your goals.

Set a time to meet and follow up and work with others to overcome your challenges and achieve your goals.

Remember to be thankful and appreciate others’ work and effort to help you achieve your goals.

You would not able to accomplish much without the help of others.

7. Track your progress

Tracking the progress of your activities and goals is crucial for your success.

Use the 90-day plan to identify whether you progressing in the direction of your goal and completing the necessary activities.

I use Google sheets to store details of my project and keep track of my activities.

I heard Trello and Notion is pretty good as well.


1. Write down 100 ten-year goals

2. Prioritize 10 one-year goals

3. Create A 90-Day Action Plan for 2-3 goals

4. Identify your obstacles

5. Gather your resources

6. Gather your people

7. Track your progress


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