How To Create A Ideal Daily Routine

Benjamin Franklin once said, “failing to plan is planning to fail.”

Creating an ideal daily routine is vital for personal development, to be productive and live a life that is worth living.

In this article, I am going to teach you a model on how to create your own daily routine that will help inspire you, help become productive and accomplish your goals and desires.

This Daily Routine was largely Inspired by Benjamin Franklin and Brian Tracy.


Wake Up Routine: 5-8am

Your daily routine sets up the tone and activities for the day. Here are the activities I perform (at least attempt to) in the morning each day.

  • Rise & make bed

  • Wash (progressive hot to cold)

  • Address powerful Goodness*

  • Complete selected study or course

  • Plan and write your daily activities (“what good shall I perform today?”)

  • Breakfast

Morning Work routine: 8-12am

After you complete your morning routine, begin working on your craft.

Perform your duties and responsibilities.

Create great products and services to end the burden or bring joy to others.

Set a duration complete specific work activities.

  • Complete the most important or challenging tasks of the day

  • Complete work activities

  • Answer emails

Mid-day break: 12am-2pm

Take a bit of rest from your activities. Have your favourite lunch.

If you have any bills or payments, get them settled.

Complete any business that is outside your work.

  • Lunch

  • Take care of bills and account

  • Read/Study

  • Nap

Afternoon Work routine: 2-6pm

Time to get back to work again.

Similar to the morning work routine, complete any outstanding work.

Set a duration to complete specific work activities.

  • Complete work activities

  • Answer emails

Evening Routine: 6-10pm

Use your evening to end your work day and have fun.

  • Examine of the day (“what good have I done today?”)

  • Write activities you could complete for tomorrow

  • Put things in their place

  • Dinner 

  • Play sports or dance

  • Conversation/ spend time with children

  • Music/ TV or entertainment

Sleep Routine: 10-5am

Without proper sleep and rest, it is challenging to address next day's tasks.

Athletes like Lebron James, Steph Curry and Roger Federer sleeps 8-10 hours a day.

Think of yourself as a professional athlete and allow yourself to get full night sleep.

Your body and mind will thank you.

Adjust routine to meet your specific needs

Take your time to build your own ideal daily routine.

Don’t introduce undue stress or tension when starting your daily routine.

Add other necessary activities (I.e. taking care of children or elderly, travel time and etc.)

Adjust the duration of the activities and routines to meet your needs.

*The prayer/address to “powerful Goodness” from Benjamin Franklin:

“O powerful Goodness! Bountiful Father! Merciful Guide! Increase in me that wisdom which discovers my truest interest.

Strengthen my resolution to perform what that wisdom dictates.

Accept my kind offices [offers, products or services] to thy [your] other children as they only return in my power for thy [your] continual favours to me.”

- Benjamin Franklin

Hope that helps!

Much love,



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