How To Overcome Procrastination

“Never do tomorrow what you can do today. Procrastination is the thief of time.”
― Charles Dickens

Why stopping procrastination is important?

People procrastinate because they are not clear about where they should be heading in their lives.

Not because there is something wrong with them.

Everybody procrastinates at some point in their life.

We all need a bit of time to figure out where to progress in our lives.

However, the sooner you can take action to overcome it, the more fulfilling your life can be.

Only your present can influence the future, not your past

Understand that your past has no influence on your future.

Only the present moment does.

What you do in the present moment determines what happens in your future.

However, you can choose the present moment to dwell in the past and cast your past into the future.

This leads to procrastination, and therefore, would be pointless.

Focus on developing clarity for a course of action.

Clarity is the key to removing procrastination.

Use the following techniques to get clarity, end procrastination, and live a more fulfilling life.

1. Start learning what you always wanted to learn

Many people procrastinate because they are not sure what direction to progress in their lives.

Reading books and taking courses are great ways to build the momentum to take action when overcoming procrastination.

Learning from experts is the best way to find direction in life.

Make a list and start with books and courses you truly enjoy or are highly relevant to your life.

Schedule 60 mins to study or read something you love every day.

Brian Tracy calls this the Golden Hour Rule.

I am learning:

  • Personal Development

  • Writing

  • Public Speaking

  • Problem-solving

  • Course creation

2. Journal your learnings and life

Get a notebook and write down any good ideas you learn in books and courses.

Write down all your worries, concerns, and fears, or anything that irritates or bothers you.

Writing them down has helped me clear off negative emotions from my mind, in order to focus on what I need to do.

Write your thoughts and ideas on how to improve your life.

They will provide a foundation on which actions you need to take.

3. Create 2-3 goals for the next 90 days

Set 2-3 goals you want to accomplish within the next 90 days.

Start with goals you would love to accomplish (not the ones you “have to” or “need to”).

Be specific and write them in the present tense with a clear due date.

If you miss the due date, just set another one. No biggie.

Examples of 90-Day Goals

The key measurement is taking action.

  • I attain the role of a Project Manager with a salary of $80,000, by March 31, 2022.

  • I make new friends with 10 people, by March 31, 2022.

  • I sell $100,000 worth of products and services to new customers, by March 31, 2022.

4. Create an action plan for those 90 days

Write down a list of activities that will help you accomplish your goals.

Listing your activities will help you find direction and identify key activities you do, to accomplish your goals.

Quantify your activities whenever possible.

Start with more desirable actions.

Don't worry if you cannot keep up with all the tasks.

Do your best and forget the rest.

Goal: I attain a role as a Project Manager that pays $80,000, by March 31, 2022.


  • I will purchase and complete all 24 lessons in the Project Management Course

  • I will do a complete makeover of my resume and LinkedIn profile

  • Reach out to 15 project managers requesting an informational interview

  • I will apply to 50 roles

Create a simple daily to-do list to accomplish your identified activities.

5. Create a daily to-do list

Complete building your to-do list the day before or in the morning.

Reduce the activities if it is stressing you or bringing unnecessary tension.

As Jeff Bezos says, "Slow is smooth, smooth is fast"

Take one ferocious step at a time.

Example daily to-do list

  • Wake up and shower

  • Organize the day’s activities

  • Complete lesson 1 on the Study Project Management course (or study Sales course)

  • Breakfast

  • Apply for 5 roles (or reach out to 10 new prospects)

  • Attend meetings

  • Lunch/Rest

  • Prepare for interviews by answering interview questions (or prepare a sales presentation with client X)

  • Follow up on emails

  • Sleep at 10 pm

Mastering the habit of completion is key to overcoming procrastination.

Build your ideal day with tasks that are most desirable to you.

And, make a concerted effort to complete it. It will help you build self-confidence to complete more tasks.

6. Make your commitments

Be committed to ending procrastinating by continually taking action, until you no longer procrastinate.

Be committed to taking action to complete your 90-day plan.

Be committed to taking action to resolve challenges and fears that come up.

Write it down and list out the actions you need to take to overcome it.

If you fall, start again. If you fall again, start again.

Learn to make and correct mistakes rather than blaming and regretting.

Blame and regret never lead to resolution.

Taking corrective action does.

Study, learn, and become wiser.

Don’t stress yourself.

Take responsibility for your well-being.

Protect yourself from negative emotions.

Take action to get better and better each day.


You are not a victim of your past.

You are the master.

You master the future by taking action in the present.


1. Start learning what you always wanted to learn

2. Journal your learnings and life

3. Create 2-3 goals for the next 90 days

4. Create an action plan for those 90 days

5. Create a daily to-do list

6. Make your commitments


How To Start A New Career


How To Set Clear Goals and Accomplish Them