How to a Create Personal Development Plan

My beloved friend!

Today, we are going to discuss how you can create a Personal Development Plan that will provide guidance for your life and live the happiest and most fulfilled life you wish to live.

In this plan, we will work on 6 components that will help you build your own personal development plan.

Step 1: Set Goals and Objectives For Your Life

The first step is to identify goals and objectives in life. 

Goals are the ultimate skill that you need to develop in order to manifest things into reality.

Goals help you direct your energy and awareness of things you desire, and away from the things undesirable.

If you are not setting goals for yourself, you live your life accomplishing goals those who have set goals for themselves.

Take responsibility for your life by setting goals.

When you set goals, you bring forces beyond your control and ability to accomplish your goals.

Write down 100 most desirable lifetime goals

First, write down 100+ most desirable goals that you would love to accomplish in your lifetime. 

Here are some of the areas you can think about creating the goals.

  • Spirituality

  • Career and Work

  • Finances

  • Health

  • Family and Relationships

  • Material resources

Go through magazine books or videos to get ideas. You don’t need to rush this process. 

Imagine that you are working with the Creator to learn and set goals for yourself in a game called life.

You don’t have to write all 100 right away. Allow them to come to you naturally.

And, most importantly enjoy the process and focus on developing the goal-setting skill.

Personally, Peace of Mind is my most important goal in my life. 


  • I will attain complete inner peace or Union with God.

  • I will master the skill of Forgiveness

  • I will become one the  Top 1% Counsellors in the Worlds.

  • I will write 100 books to help people live their life effectively and happily.

  • I will create 10 amazing courses for people to live their lives with happiness and joy

  • I will earn and receive $1,000,000/month

  • I will develop highly durable and strong body

  • I will develop great relationships with my family and friends

  • I will gain 50 million+ friends online

  • I will own and live in 2 amazing homes I love

  • I will own and drive around in a Tesla I love

Create 10 one-year goals

The next step is to identify 10 goals you would like to accomplish in the next 1 year based on the list you created.

  1. I will perform 1000 hours of Counselling to help people with their lives

  2. I will read and complete the Course in Psychotherapy

  3. I will perform at 30 seminars and teach them become happier and more productive

  4. I will write 2 books that helps with their careers and life

  5. I will create 2 courses  that helps with their careers and life

  6. I will post 100 LinkedIn posts online

  7. I will get 100 clients to work with

  8. I will learn and receive 30,000/month

  9. I will make 100 new friends

  10. I will play basketball 90 times

Step 2: Identify your Strengths and Abilities

The next step in developing your Personal Development Plan is to identify and list your strengths and abilities.

Remember, that we all bring a certain level of strengths and abilities into the world. 

It is our responsibility, however, to identify what those are and take steps to use and develop them further.

Ask yourself:

  • What comes easy to you in your life and work?

  • What do you love to do for fun?

  • What do people say you are great at?

The purpose of our strengths and abilities is to use them maximally to help others. 

The more you use your abilities, the deeper your strengths and abilities become. If we don’t use our strengths and abilities we lose effectiveness in them. In Psychology, this is known as the law of use and disuse.

Don’t worry if you don’t have too many right now. You can always develop more.

Some of the strengths and talents you possess may be still hidden away. List the ones that come to you for now.

The more you use one strength, the more you discover other strengths you have.


  • I am great at making people feel better

  • I am great at writing and editing

  • I am great at helping manage people finances

  • I am great at managing my finances

  • I am a great basketball player

  • I am great at motivating others

  • Its easy for me to help people get jobs

  • I am great at creating videos

  • I am great at creating new products

  • I am great at motivating others

  • I am great at simplifying complex ideas

  • I am great at organising resources and material

  • I am great at motivating people

  • Helping people with emotional issues comes natural to me

Step 3: List Your Areas Of Development

The next step is to identify areas you need to develop further. 

Knowing yourself is the key to life mastery and life success.

Our weaknesses or areas of development can negatively affect us if we do not become aware of them.

Many people avoid facing their weaknesses and areas of development because they have been criticised and ridiculed by others or themselves.

When we are growing up we often listen to important people in our lives for guidance and direction. We often get judged or criticised by people based on their measurements and expectations in life. We often get compared and contrasted by others who are in similar ages.

When this happens, we become reluctant to actively seek out where we are struggling and do things that we need to abolish weakness and seek success in life.

Your areas of development could be aspects of life that you are fearful of or things you like to improve or change.

Remember that we all have areas we need to develop further.

These could be fears or resistance you face every day. Also, these can be areas you want to further develop within yourself.


  • Be willing to learn more

  • Letting go of the past

  • Letting go of one’s mistakes and errors

  • Letting go other’s mistakes

  • Honouring commitments

  • Stop blaming

  • Sticking to my decisions

  • Being good to yourself

  • Afraid to share 

  • Being good to others

  • Interviewing

  • Selling skills

  • See every human interaction as an opportunity learn and grow

  • Keeping promises

  • Finding a career

  • Developing relationships

  • Online Social Media Publishing skills

  • Fear of rejection and judgement

  • Fear of failure

  • Fear of public speaking

Human potential to grow and develop their strengths and abilities are limitless.

Remember, believing in difficulty is a matter of perception and a choice. 

It is our weaknesses that become our virtues or strengths when we overcome them.

We can all improve if we really want to and are committed to learning and changing ourselves for the positive.

Step 4: Create a 90-Day Action Plan

Now, its time to create a 90-day action plan to achieve your goals and overcome areas of development.

Write down specific actions that can be taken to achieve your goals and overcome areas of development.

Focus on the specific activities you can do to help you progress  and develop.

Select 2-3 goals from one-year goals and create an action plan for the next 90 days. It is important to narrow your goals 2-3 goals maximum for the 90-day period. 

If you set goals more than this amount, it becomes increasingly difficult for you to focus your mind to accomplish key activities that help you progress.

Ask yourself: “What activities can I participate in that make all the difference for my goals or progress in the areas of development?”.


  • Land a role as a Clinical Counsellor

    • Apply to 50 roles

    • Reach and do informational interviews with 10 counsellors

    • Complete a course in Counselling

  • Become stronger and durable

    • Weigh 180 lbs

    • Perform 36 exercise sessions

    • Get a personal trainer and attend 12 sessions

  • Find a Partner

    • Create a Profile 3 Major Dating Apps

    • Go on 12 dates

    • Read a book on how to develop great relationships

  • Earn and receive $90,000

    • Create a service to offer

    • Create a database of 300 Prospects and reach out

    • Close 30 opportunities

  • Attain complete Peace of Mind

    • Read a Book on Peace or Spirituality

    • Spend 30 session in meditation or quietness

    • Get a Counsellor and attend 12 sessions

  • Get a Promotion at work

    • Perform great at 60 sessions at work (12 weeks x 5 days of work)

    • Track and successfully resolve problems that comes up at work

    • Create a daily task list to manage your day

    • Set up a meeting with your manager to discuss your career plan

Once you establish your Action Plan, make a strong commitment to follow through with your plan.

Step 5: Identify and List The Resources You Need

The next step is to identify and list out all resources that can help you get closer to achieving your goals and converting areas of development to strengths.

Having all the resources needed for your development in one place helps you stay focused and access them quickly when you need it.

These could be:

  • Articles

  • Books

  • Courses

  • Podcasts

  • Blueprints and templates

  • Programs

Remember to be thankful and appreciate other people’s work and efforts. 

Without our beloved brother or sister, we would have the resources we need to achieve our goals and abolish our fears.

Step 6: Identify the People who can help you

Identify at least 1 mentor or coach who can keep you accountable on your goals and action  plans.

List out all possible people who can help achieve your goals.


  • Family members

  • Friends

  • Counsellors

  • Other Professionals

Set a time to meet and follow up and work with others to achieve your goals and overcome your challenges.

Step 7: Develop Key Habits

The next step of your Personal Develop Planning journey is to identify and perform the key activities that bring you closer to your goals and improve upon areas of development.

There are 8 specific Key Habits that I recommend  to everyone to help them achieve their goals and develop themselves.

Keep and use a journal as a second brain

Keep a journal to write things down. Use the journal as a companion and a second brain.

When you write things down it helps you process and see your thoughts and emotions clearly, helping you develop better outcomes for your life.

I use my journal as a second brain to help me think clearly. I regularly use my journal to brainstorm solutions for problems, create action plans for the future and set goals, in addition to writing my thoughts and feelings.

Here are few things you can think about writing down:

  • Thoughts

  • Ideas

  • Feelings

  • Obstacles and challenges

  • Fears

  • Goals

  • Plans of action

Create daily task list for the next day

Before you start each day make sure to write down key tasks and activities that you would like to complete the next day.

Creating a task list will help you organise the day much better and help you feel less chaotic about life.

The lack of order of the day leads to mental disorders such as anxiety and chronic stress.

Many people lack the focus to complete the tasks for the day because they simply aren't sure what needs to get prioritised and completed.

The best way to resolve this is to organise key daily activities in writing.

When you start out, do not list too many activities as it can cause more stress than needed.

Set a maximum of 6-8 key tasks for the next when you are starting. Increase the number of activities as you get comfortable.

It is important that you fill the list with activities you love to complete as much as things you “have to”. Over time, replace the “have to”s with “love to”s.

Become a perpetual learner

Becoming a student for life is one the best traits you can develop for yourself. Learning how to learn is the ultimate superskill.

Becoming a lifelong learner not only will advance in your career, it can help you develop happiness and peace in your life.

Being a perpetual learner will help you overcome your mistakes and correct them quickly.

Dedicate 1 hour each day to read a book or take a course that will help you develop skills and abilities. 

One of the best things you can do is spend 1 hour each day learning and studying Personal Development. 

One of my teachers, Brian Tracy, calls this the Golden Hour Rule. He reminds us to spend at least one hour towards developing the Personal Development Skill as this skill has the greatest impact on your productivity, success and happiness.

Make a list of books and courses that you always wanted to read or take, and begin with them.

Remember that others have also gone through the journey you are going through now. Some of them have written books and created resources to help others navigate others challenges. 

Become fearless through learning and continuous study of those who have gone before you.

Its important to learn what you love, until you love learning.

Exercise and play sports

Durable, strong body is vital for developing a strong mind.

The purpose of exercise should be to help you become stronger and durable so you can approach life with vigour and excitement.

Purpose of working out is not to show off to others how you worked out or how certain body parts are smaller or larger than your fellows’ body parts. 

The purpose of your body is to fully enjoy the game of life, learn and serve other people.

Focus on getting 30-60 mins of daily exercise. Focus on daily consistency. Keep the workout and exercises below the pain thresholds, until you start to love working out. 

I work out with music to make my work out more enjoyable.

Focus your attention on developing the daily workout a habit more than the intensity you deliver during the work out. If you feel sore the next day, you have done too much.

My favourite form of exercise is sports. Since it combines physical activity with play.

Make a list of your favourite exercises and workouts. This is critical. Start the ones you like the most.

  • Play sports (i.e. basketball, volleyball, badminton and etc)

  • Take dance classes (hip hop, indian)

  • Go for runs

  • Lift weights

  • Work out with machines

Do the exercises you love, until you love exercising. I started with playing basketball.

Spend time in quietness and meditate

Remember that inner self reflects outerself.

Spending time in quietness is the one of key to developing inner tranquillity and inner peace.

Learning to understand your inner self is a major challenge for human beings as they cannot visibly see what they are working on.

Spending time in quietness leads you to develop inner awareness that leads to better control and organisation of your life.

The first step in developing this ability is to spend time quietly each day with yourself. Spending 15-30 minutes would be a great place to start.

Write down ideas and thoughts that come out during these sessions.

Take your journal and write down thoughts, feelings, and emotions that come up on the way. 

Rest and Sleep

Many people feel guilty about sleep and rest because they feel they are not doing enough in their lives to get ahead.

If we have been criticised in our lives for underperformance by our parents, bosses, teachers or ourselves, we feel we are not advancing our lives and therefore do not believe we deserve the rest or sleep the body requires.

Much of those mechanisms within the body are unaware and you have no control over them. For example, we cannot consciously regulate our digestion system or nervous systems within our bodies. You require sleep and rest in on order for theses processes to repair and function correctly,

Avoiding sleep and rest is an error in understanding the human condition that leads to immunosuppressant states that can lead to developing other diseases.

Human body has certain limitations that need to be understood and overcome through sleep and rest.

Even professional athletes need sleep to recover their bodies to bring out the highest functioning form.

In fact, athletes such as Lebron James and Roger Federer are known to sleep 8-12 hours in order to rest their body completely.

In order to play the game of life effectively, you too must learn to sleep like athletes to perform like athletes.

Focus on sleeping 8-10 hours a day. It does not need to be continuous. Naps can be highly beneficial.

That’s it from me for Today!

Much love!


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