How to prepare for interviews without worrying

If you have worries and concerns about interviews, it's a good practice to write them down. Writing your interview worries you will help you become aware of them and help you develop steps to improve yourself.

Sitting with your worries and not doing anything about them is not going to help you, your career, or anyone who you can offer your services to. It just builds more worry and anxiety within you. Instead of worrying, take the steps to get better. One of the best ways I have used to deal with my worries is through journaling.

Here are the steps I recommend for you to use a journal to deal with worries:

  1. Get a journal

  2. List out all the things that worry you about interviews or other things in life

  3. List out all the things you can do to get better (i.e. tactics in this book)

  4. Take immediate action to get better

Writing them and taking immediate action will help alleviate some of the anxiety you are feeling. Remind yourself that you are doing everything you can do to improve your interview skill so that you can land the job you want. Follow that reminder by taking immediate action toward getting better at interviews.

Another point about interviews that will help you calm your nerves is this: 

Remember that interviewers are human beings just like you and me. They have fears, dreams, worries, dislikes, and likes just like you and me. They are simply trying to find someone they can work with to solve their company’s problems.

They are interviewing you because they think you can help them. Relax, be friendly, and learn about what problems they are trying to solve for their company. Then, be honest and tell them how your past experiences and skills can help them solve these issues.

If you are worried about not having enough skills or experience, remember that they wouldn’t invite you to a job interview if they thought this way. They invited you because they believe you can do the job, but want to get to know you on a personal level and your professional skills to a further extent.

Finally, remind yourself that investing time to read this guide and do the actions that are necessary is an excellent example of dealing with your interview worries and taking steps in a positive direction to improve your interview skills.

Key actions

  1. Get a journal and write down your worries or concerns

  2. Take immediate action to improve your interview skill (i.e. reading this book, taking notes, practicing for interviews)

  3. Understand interviewers are simply trying to find someone who can help them solve problems

  4. Appreciate and thank yourself for the work you are putting in to get better interviews


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