Why Should You Keep Document To Track Your Interview Preparations?

When preparing for job interviews, create a separate document to store your interview strategies and details in one place. Think of this document as a living document that will help you throughout your career with interviews. 

This is the first thing you should do when preparing for your interviews. It will help you stay organized and focused on your preparations. Take the time to keep this document updated.

Here are some key benefits of setting up this document:

  1. It will function as a storehouse that holds the best of your interview strategies and tips

  2. It will help you remember answers to key interview questions 

  3. It will help you organize your thoughts and ideas regarding interviews in one place

Here are some of the things you can store in the Interview Prep Document (IPD):

  • Interview prep tips and strategies

  • Interview questions and answers

  • Questions to ask interviewers

  • Background information about companies you are researching

  • Strategies you learn from this book or any other book related to interviews

  • Any other details relevant to interviews

I recommend using a cloud word processing software like Google Docs to store interview details. This way, you have access to them whenever and wherever you want. Keep this document continuously updated with any new information you come across.

When I used a similar document during my career, it helped me tremendously to become more proficient and organized during interviews. I would continually review and update this document with any valuable advice or tips I got about interviews. This helped me massively to organize my thoughts and ideas before the actual interview.

If you are not doing this practice already, I highly recommend you implement this document for your interview prep regimen right away.

Use our Interview Prep Template as a base (in the resources and bonuses section).

Key actions

  1. Create a document to store your interview notes (i.e. Google Docs)

  2. Update and refine your document continuously to help get better at interviews


How to prepare for interviews without worrying


How To Use Informational Interviews to Land More Job Interviews and Job Offers