Why Should Do Mock You Interviews Before The Real Interview?

“Success is a numbers game. There is direct relationship with number of attempts you make and ultimately succeeding.”

― Brian Tracy

One of the best ways to advance your interview skills is through repetition. Practicing for interviews by yourself is a valuable technique that can help you advance in your interview skills rather quickly without the unnecessary stress and time-pressure.

Once you do get invited to a real interview, plan to do at least three practice interviews before the real interview. Repetition is the key to becoming successful in job interviews. Don’t worry about how you look or sound. Appreciate all of your efforts and improvements. We all need improvements in one area or another in life and career. 

Unfortunately, many people wait until the actual interviews to get the interview practice. This can be rather costly emotionally and physically, especially if you are unable to land the job with your existing interview skill set. It may even cause you to feel discouraged and affect your confidence negatively if you are unable to get the results you want in interviews.

You don’t need to put hours each time you practice. Focus on doing practice sessions of 25-30 minutes at a time. For example, identify 3-4 questions from your list and see if you can answer them confidently out loud. Make notes of any adjustments you need to make to the answers.

In the early days of my career, I remember doing up to 6-8 mock interviews for certain roles that were pretty intensive. This tactic helped me get better at interviews quickly. I focused on mastering 3-4 questions at a time. I also learned to relax, take my time, and provide precise answers to the questions. I realized that once I was able to answer about ten questions confidently, I became pretty confident answering other questions as well. I was surprised by how quickly I improved because of the focused spaced practice. Repetition has been a major key ingredient for my success and my client’s success with interviews.

Key actions:

  • Begin practicing for interviews early 

  • Do at least three practice interviews before the real interview 

  • Practice until the answers come to you naturally

Pro-tip: record yourself through a camera and see where you can improve.

Thank you for reading!
Much love!


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