How To Improve Your Self-Esteem? (A Checklist)

  1. Remember the Law of Reciprocity -what you do others is done upon you

  2. Seek the good in others and situations

  3. Forgive people and their mistakes - everyone makes mistakes

  4. Be easy to get along with others

  5. Show respect and admiration to others

  6. Understand that other people are also struggling with self-esteem

  7. Make people feel valuable & important

  8. Stop tearing people down when do agree with you

  9. Complete any type criticism that does not benefit their lives

  10. Destructive criticism lowers others’ and your self-esteem and damages self-image

  11. Understand destructive criticism triggers feelings of inferiority, guilt and deservingness

  12. Understand that even during “constructive criticism” people want defend and attack back

  13. Stop complaining about life and learn to take responsibility and take action.

  14. Remember that you and others doing the best they can with what you and they got

  15. Remember that we are all learning to live in this planet and get along with others


13 Techniques to Stop Procrastination and Achieve Your Dreams (Checklist)


How To Overcome Challenges? (A Short Checklist)