How To Stop Feeling Guilty All The Time?
When you feel guilty, you don't believe you deserve to experience good in life. When several good things happen, you may feel uncomfortable.
The truth is that you don’t deserve anything but good.
Here is how to free yourself from guilt.
1. Eliminate destructive self-criticism from your thoughts and your conversations.
Refuse to say anything self-deprecating.
Refuse to say anything about yourself that you do not want to be true.
If anyone is talking to you negatively, ask them to stop speaking to you that way politely.
“I would appreciate it if you do not speak to me like that because it is not true”
Negative thoughts about yourself
Remember that your mind remembers and accepts negative content if not challenged directly.
2. Refuse to blame anyone for anything.
Learn to accept complete responsibility for your life.
Understand that inner states reflect outer states.
Remember that just like you, others are learning how to live on this planet the right way.
Others are doing their best with what they think is right.
Criticizing and blaming others lowers your own self-esteem and reinforces your own feelings of inferiority,
Remember “no one is guilty, I am responsible”
3. Refuse to be manipulated by others’ guilt
People throw guilt on others when their desires are not fulfilled.
When you respond to other people’s guilt, you reinforce their guilt-throwing and blaming behaviour.
You should respect others feelings and needs but guilt does not need to be accepted.
If someone is making you feel guilty, they have yet to take responsibility for their lives.
Superior men and women take responsibility for their lives and actions.
Two ways to stop guilt others are making you feel guilty: silence or you can “I am not going to respond to that”
Guilt is like boomerang; harder you push it, harder it comes back.
Taking responsibility for our thoughts is the first step to correcting you guilty feelings.