34 Lessons For Developing Relationships

  1. Show respect for other's opinions. Never make others feel bad about their opinions and ideas. Understand that others are allowed to have their perspective. Not everyone needs to be a copy of how you see the world.

  2. Avoid criticizing, condemning, gossiping, or complaining about others at all costs. They are doing best with what they got. If you see a way to be helpful to others, help. Otherwise, let them make decisions and allow them to learn.

  3. Remember, nothing others do or say is because of you. People live in their private worlds. What they think, say, and do is based on what they have learned up to that point. We are all learning and growing.

  4. Remember that you're immune to others' opinions because they don't know enough about you. If they knew everything about you, they would recognize both your innocence and power.

  5. Watch and guard what you think, say, and do carefully. Only say what you truly mean and want to come true. Don’t say or do anything you wouldn’t do to others that you wouldn’t do to your grandparents.

  6. Remember that sweetest word for another person is the sound of their name.

  7. Develop the ability and courage to ask questions instead of making assumptions.

  8. Learn to express what you want. Don't take it personally if they cannot give you what you want. If they could, they would.

  9. Talk about your errors before criticizing others, even if you see theirs. Learn to see things from others' perspectives regardless of how wrong they may seem.

  10. Use your thinking, words, and actions to show love and truth. If they are not lovely and truthful, learn from others who are.

  11. Remember that people love freedom, opportunities, enjoyment, comfort, and ease. Bring these things to them if you can.

  12. Seek to understand before you seek to correct.

  13. Encourage others to talk about themselves and share their life stories. Everyone has stories they want to share. But many don’t give them the time of day to listen.

  14. If you are wrong about something, admit it openly and emphatically. We trust and believe those who can admit when they are wrong.

  15. Don’t let others feel embarrassed or humiliated. We are all looking for comfort and security in others.

  16. Spending time with others is the best way to create great relationships. Without spending time, no true relationship can be developed.

  17. What you do to yourself is what you do to others. Avoid self-judgment, self-abuse, and regret at all costs.

  18. Decide to become a good person. One day you will turn 80. You will want to be happy with your actions and the words you have expressed. 

  19. How you treat yourself is how you treat others. Do your best with what you have at that time. Seek progress and growth, especially in relationships.

  20. The only way to win an argument is to avoid one. Don’t develop animosity with others over ideas and petty differences. We all change our ideas sooner or later.

  21. Give sincere and honest appreciation to others. We all like to be appreciated for our efforts.

  22. Recognize and praise others for every little improvement. 

  23. Time will not heal everything, but it can heal many things.

  24. We all need time to grow and learn. How you perform when you are healthy is different than when you are not healthy. Understand this about yourself and others.

  25. Be grateful for others. Our lives are beautiful because of others' presence. How happy can you really be if you are the only person on this planet?

  26. Make those around you better. Making yourself good at things is beautiful. Helping others be good at things is greatness.

  27. Choose to become friends with everyone who meets you. People want friends but are afraid to tell others they need one.

  28. Understand that people are doing the best they got with what they have. Be kind even if they are making errors.

  29. Ask and talk about others' interests and desires. Help them achieve what they want.

  30. Small gestures of love added together are more valuable than large feets of admiration.

  31. Keep in touch with your friends and family. We all like to be remembered.

  32. Seek to communicate with others as clearly as possible. Avoid creating confusion and talking about things that didn't happen or exist.

  33. To be interesting, be interested. Learn to be genuinely interested in others and what they do. Most people love talking about their work, hobbies, and children.

  34. Treat others how you like to be treated. No one likes to be treated with meanness and difficulty. Make other lives easy to live whenever you get the chance.


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